

5 Google Tools Every Law Firm Should Embrace for Success

Google offers an array of digital marketing tools to businesses that can significantly contribute to the success of their online presence and digital marketing efforts. Here are five Google tools that every law firm should consider embracing for success, if you haven’t already: 1. Google Ads Google Ads can be one of the most powerful

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7 Reasons Your Law Firm’s Content Sucks

Content is king, not just in the world of legal services, but in the competitive digital marketing world as a whole. For law firms, crafting effective and engaging content is not just a matter of online presence—it’s a strategic necessity to attract and retain clients. However, creating impactful legal service content is often easier said

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4 Ways to Monitor Your Competitor's Legal Marketing

4 Ways to Monitor Your Competitor’s Legal Marketing

Pablo Picasso famously said, “Good designers copy, great designers steal.” The same can be said for legal marketing. I was recently watching the Netflix documentary about JUUL that spoke to their early advertising creative that was comparable to Apple. This reminded me of “the law of mind” from The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (by

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How Much Should Divorce Law Firms Spend on PPC Marketing

How Much Should Divorce Law Firms Spend on PPC Marketing

A well-known legal marketing professional recently sent an email about PPC marketing saying, “If you’re a high-end divorce attorney, it’s almost $50 per click.” This shocked me as we manage six-figures of monthly Google Ads spend across the largest markets in the country and in our accounts, cost-per-click (CPC) are half of that. Now before

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3 Facebook Scams Law Firms Should Beware Of

In today’s digital age, the number of scams permeating the virtual world has seen a worrying surge. While phone scams and email scams are still very much prevalent, social media scams on Meta are becoming more common and more creative. Facebook, which transitioned under Meta’s banner, is rife with scam artists targeting unsuspecting victims. Like

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