David Davis

David Davis is the Senior Search Engine Marketing Manager at US Legal Marketing Group. With years of experience working in Google Ads specifically for attorneys, he specializes in capturing highly qualified marketing leads through a data-driven and efficient approach.

David Davis

How SEO and PPC Work Together to Grow Your Family Law Firm

As digital marketing evolves rapidly, family law firms must adapt to stay competitive. Combining SEO and PPC is the key to building a robust online presence. The importance of managing and growing your digital footprint for your divorce and family law firm has become a reality for most law firms. The question we continue to […]

How SEO and PPC Work Together to Grow Your Family Law Firm Read More


4 Key Takeaways From the Best SEO Conference MozCon 2023: AI, Google, Social Media, and SEO

MozCon is widely regarded as one of, if not the best SEO conference for digital marketers. With the latest trends and strategies in the ever-evolving world of SEO, AI, Google, and social media, I’m excited to share some of my favorite things I learned at this year’s MozCon conference.  The AI Revolution Last year we

4 Key Takeaways From the Best SEO Conference MozCon 2023: AI, Google, Social Media, and SEO Read More

Digital Summit in Seattle

3 Things I Learned at Digital Summit in Seattle That Are Applicable to Your Law Firm

One thing for certain is that continued education and learning is necessary to stay relevant in any industry. Having the ability to attend seminars, online classes, webinars, and national conferences is a great way to advance your professional acumen. I had the opportunity to attend the Digital Summit in Seattle, Washington, this month and want

3 Things I Learned at Digital Summit in Seattle That Are Applicable to Your Law Firm Read More