Brooke Mathieu

Brooke Mathieu is the Senior Content Marketing Manager for US Legal Marketing Group providing expertise in digital content creation. From design to execution she provides a creative perspective on creating unique and memorable content.

Brooke Mathieu

10 AIs for Law Firms That Will Increase Efficiency and Transform Your Practices

Welcome to the future of the legal industry, where the power of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way law firms and businesses everywhere operate. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, AI applications are making their mark, revolutionizing traditional practices and unlocking new possibilities for law firms worldwide. From streamlining labor-intensive tasks […]

10 AIs for Law Firms That Will Increase Efficiency and Transform Your Practices Read More

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a powerful advertising platform for businesses of all sizes. This can be especially true for attorneys and law firms. Running Facebook ads for attorneys can be quite lucrative, due to a much lower cost per lead than using Google Ads. However, navigating the potential ethical pitfalls

Facebook Ads for Attorneys: The Good, the Bad, and the Fine Print Read More

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce & Family Law Market: High Networth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce and Family Law Market: High Net Worth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples

The divorce and family law market is a complex and diverse industry, with various niches that require specialized marketing strategies. As a divorce and family law attorney the unique challenges of marketing to high net-worth clients, LGBTQ+ couples, and military couples is something you’ll definitely have to face if you haven’t already. Each of these

Marketing to Specific Niches in the Divorce and Family Law Market: High Net Worth Clients, LGBTQ+ Couples, and Military Couples Read More