How I Built a $12,000,000 Law Firm Group: The Secret Sauce for Marketing a Successful Divorce & Family Law Practice

This month I had the privilege of being a guest on the James Amplifier Practical Marketing Tips for Small Law Firms Podcast. The host, Kara Prior, is an amazing interviewer and we were really able to have a thorough conversation about practical and effective marketing tips for divorce & family law firms. In our conversation, I share my secret sauce for marketing and operating a successful divorce and family law practice. I tell my story of how I built a $12,000,000 law firm group and what tactics and strategies I used to do it.

Growing My Divorce & Family Law Firm Group

In 1996 I started my first divorce and family law firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Today I have three very successful divorce and family law firms in New Mexico, Nebraska, and Colorado. From the beginning, I knew I wanted to grow my practice and I knew I could do it. What I didn’t know was how to do it. As years passed and I went through the growing pains, I realized many other attorneys didn’t know how to do it either and the attorneys that did weren’t exactly handing out blueprints.

Over the years I’ve learned a lot about what to do and what you should not do! While the growing pains were real, I would do it all over again. It’s part of what helped me grow one practice into a $12,000,000 legal group and inspired me to open my own marketing agency, US Legal Marketing Group, a niche agency that specializes in marketing for divorce & family law firms.

James Amplifier Practical Marketing Tips for Small Law Firms Podcast

Kara and I were really able to dive deep into SEO, PPC, and social media marketing specifically for divorce & family law firms. We also talked about what’s worth spending your money on and what isn’t, so you can learn how to get on a similar path to growing your own law firm. As a managing attorney myself, I understand how stressful it can be to manage a practice and find the time to adequately market it so my firm can stay successful. I’ve always believed marketing my firms is not only important, but it’s also vital for growth.

I’ve spent a lot of time and money on marketing agencies that gave me nothing but false promises and didn’t contribute to my firm’s growth. With a lot of patience, persistence, and trial and error, I developed my own blueprint and started seeing a big return on my marketing investments. When I founded US Legal Marketing Group with CMO, Brent Harkins, we decided our agency would be different, and it is. Just like you specialize in handling divorce & family law cases, we specialize in growing divorce & family law firms. I’ve achieved financial freedom and success from growing my practices and I am confident US Legal Marketing Group can do it for yours. Watch our episode, “How Attorney David Crum Built His $12M Law Firm Group” on the James Amplifier podcast to learn how you can take your divorce practice to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!

If you have any questions about marketing and advertising, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss further and receive a free competitive analysis. Start experiencing growth without the growing pains.