3 Things I Learned at Digital Summit in Seattle That Are Applicable to Your Law Firm

One thing for certain is that continued education and learning is necessary to stay relevant in any industry. Having the ability to attend seminars, online classes, webinars, and national conferences is a great way to advance your professional acumen.

I had the opportunity to attend the Digital Summit in Seattle, Washington, this month and want to share the top three things I learned that family law attorneys and managing partners can apply to their firm’s marketing initiatives moving forward.

1. Create Content for Exposure

There are a lot of different types of content you can create but focus on producing sustainable content. Video content is huge right now and a great type of content to produce for more exposure as many social platforms are encouraging users to produce this type of content to keep up with TikTok. If you’re looking for inspiration think of creating content that answers frequently asked questions that your firm receives. You can do this in the form of videos or a regular post with multiple images. You can also hop on popular trends that are relative to your audience, just make sure to put your own spin on trends, in other words, don’t “Copy and Paste but rather Copy with Taste” – Jon Youshaei formerly at YouTube and Instagram. If you’re trying to figure out where to source ideas for content creation, a great place to start can be visiting Reddit or Quora and finding relatable groups and communities. See what questions are being asked and if you can answer them better. Start to treat your target audiences as focus groups instead of communities.

2. Video Content is a MUST!

With the massive success TikTok has seen, it is clear that video content (especially shorter video content) has taken the world by storm and taken over social platforms and even Google! Today our phones have the ability to capture high-quality videos that you can use to easily create engaging video content to share on your blog, social media profiles, and Ads. Video content can also help improve your SEO when you post the transcript of the content discussed in the video below the blog. This allows Google to understand what is being said within the video and you can rank for that specific content. If you are posting videos on social media, make sure your record with the caption on so that viewers and Google can see what is being discussed. If you make a long-form video and post it on your YouTube page, utilize the data from the video to figure out what short videos you can make from this video (Reels/TikToks).

3. Always Track and Analyze Your Results

While it may feel great to launch a new piece of content or new digital advertisements for your law firm, you need to be able to track the performance. If you do not track or monitor this performance then you are setting yourself up for failure. Having visibility into the user journey by creating different goals along the way will allow you to see the success of that piece of content or how well an ad is actually performing. We can track any number of custom goals and conversions that you set. If you have not created the new GA4 account within Google Analytics, I would suggest you get that set up as soon as possiblew. Google is sunsetting Universal Analytics in July of 2023. If you don’t have that, I suggest you start there. As we head into a cookie-less future, Universal Analytics (UA) will not be sufficient as to why Google created the new generation of analytics named GA4. Another area to review your data if you don’t have Google Analytics is to visit your Google My Business Profile and review the search terms that people are using to find your business. I know this may seem daunting with all the different channels and opportunities out there for your firm on top of managing your caseload or firm. Start by identifying what type of content you can create consistently. If videos are hard for you, which for me is true, written content is not going anywhere so leverage that strength instead. However, if video is something that comes naturally to you, now is the time to showcase that. The legal industry has always had the shiny polished look where being an attorney is all work no play. Make your videos more personable by showing humor or compassion, be relatable. This goes against the grain of the industry norm and will allow your potential clients to connect with you and a major trend right now. Once you’ve created the content, you need to track how well your content is performing, or else you’ll never know if your money is being well spent. Digital marketing is constantly changing, so it’s important to keep up with the trends and stay relevant to your audience. If your law firm need help in any of these areas, contact us today to see how we can help grow your firm.

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