25 Years of Practicing What We Preach

It all started 25 years ago when CEO David Crum, Esq. founded his first law firm, New Mexico Legal Group, after arriving in the land of enchantment at the bright age of 26. His practice would specialize in Divorce & Family Law and eventually grow from one practice into a national presence as US Legal Marketing Group. David’s entrepreneurial spirit would then lead him from expanding his own Divorce & Family Law practices throughout the country, to creating a marketing agency that specializes in helping Divorce & Family Law firms achieve success in their own practice using the same tactics he uses for his firms.

Growing and Scaling US Legal Marketing Group

After growing New Mexico Legal Group to the largest divorce practice in the state, David decided if he did it once he could do it again and launched into the Nebraska market, which also happens to be where David is originally from. In 2016, Nebraska Legal Group was born in Omaha, Nebraska, which has since then grown exponentially. With success in growing and scaling his firms in New Mexico and Nebraska, David figured he could use the same knowledge and skills to create a successful Divorce & Family Law Practice in Colorado, creating Colorado Legal Group.

David’s success in growing and scaling his Divorce & Family Law Practices can be attributed to highly skilled attorneys, hard work, and dedication to marketing. He works closely with each attorney he recruits who joins US Legal Marketing Group training and preparing them to be the best in their field. Having a group of rockstar attorneys is an achievement in and of itself but keeping them happy and caseloads full is worthy of bragging rights. Sharing your firm’s story, highlighting wins, communicating with clients, and staying up to date on industry trends are all important when it comes to marketing for Divorce & Family Law firms and about any other business as well. These marketing techniques are just part of what goes into creating a successful marketing strategy that (1) works (2) generates qualified leads (3) turns a qualified lead into your next client and (4) helps you grow and scale your law firm.

The Secret to a Successful Law Firm

 With US Legal Marketing Group growing rapidly, David reached out to Brent Harkins, now US Legal Marketing Group CMO & Co-Founder, then potential Marketing Director of US Legal Marketing Group, to see if he could help take Cardinal Group’s marketing to the next level. Brent did exactly that, by bringing his previous marketing skills he had developed over the past years and applied them in the legal space. Several years of working together and Brent and David’s shared vision and aspirations led them to becoming business partners by founding US Legal Marketing Group.

Growing and scaling law firms in three very different parts of the country isn’t easy to do… or is it? The answer is yes and no. Creating a strategy that works and is successful in different markets is not easy, but once it has been created, applying that strategy is easy. This is what we call our Launch and Earn™ model — 25 years of creative, data-driven, marketing campaigns that have grown our own law firms that your Divorce & Family law firm can launch and start earning from the get-go.


How We Know Launch and Earn Works

We know our Launch and Earn model works because we use it with our own firms and have seen immense success. Not only are we the largest divorce firm in New Mexico, but we are also the largest divorce firm in Nebraska as well. We are currently ending our third year of business in Colorado with over 2,000 paid consultations! While it is true there is not a perfect marketing strategy for Divorce & Family Law firms, ours is as close as it gets. We not only offer a well-rounded set of marketing services, but we also work closely with each client’s operational strategy to help them in the areas they need it the most. Let our law firms grow yours without any of the growing pains. When David and Brent first created US Legal Marketing Group their mission was to help entrepreneurial attorneys grow their practices and reach financial freedom and that has not changed.

If you have any questions about marketing and advertising, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss further and receive a free competitive analysis.

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