Reputation Management for Attorneys and Law Firms
How to get your clients to post more 5-star reviews and what to do with those nasty negative reviews.
Here's How We Do It
US Legal Marketing Group has developed a highly effective system for obtaining 5-star reviews from clients and responding to negative online reviews. This system can ramp up your positive reviews and help you monitor and respond when a client posts something negative.
Automatic and Consistent Requests for Client Reviews
The most important part of reputation management is consistently requesting 5-star reviews from your best clients. With our reputation management services, you will have access to a software platform and our custom templates that make this a snap. One key feature of our request system is utilizing texting to allow your clients to post to desired sites including Google, AVVO, and Facebook.
Accurate Monitoring of All Online Business Review Platforms
Timely (and Ethical) Responses to Your Negative Reviews
This is by far the worst part of managing your reputation, but it must be done, and it must be done correctly. In addition to timely notifications of negative online reviews, our clients also have access to three critical tools to assist them in preparing responses to negative reviews:
- Our US Legal Marketing Group Best Practices Guide for Responding to Reviews;
- An up-to-date legal memorandum written for divorce lawyers that will help guide your responses;
- Sample language that can be used selectively in your responses.
Our Results Speak for Themselves
Colorado Legal Group was launched in September 2018 and by the end of 2021 were the highest-rated divorce and family law firm in Denver with over 100 Google reviews.
Acquiring authentic 5-star reviews from actual clients is the social proof your firm needs when prospective clients are evaluating you against your competitors. That is why we put an emphasis on reviews for our own firms and our clients.
We Work With Only One Firm Per City
If we’re helping a client acquire clients, how could we help one of their own competitors? Simple, we don’t. With no overlap in markets, the sooner your firm signs with US Legal Marketing Group, the sooner you guarantee your competition can’t.
Become a 5-Star Firm Through Reputation Management
Take control of your online presence by generating more 5-star reviews, addressing negative reviews, and standing out from the competition in your local area generating more clients in turn.