1:1 Coaching with Attorney, Author, and Entrepreneur David Crum, Esq.

Is your career or law firm lacking direction? Need a jump start? US Legal Marketing Group’ personalized coaching will create and implement your roadmap to success.

Coaching? It's a Total Waste of Time and Money

Yep, that’s exactly what I used to say as I jumped into my Chevy Malibu and headed to the office to manage a whopping team of five employees and deal with the kind of stress you would expect from a multi-national law firm. Granted, I was only a 26-year-old entrepreneur at the time, but even my dumber, younger self, finally came to the realization that I needed help.

Earning More, Working Less, Creating Your Dream Life – It’s All Possible

I almost hate to say it because the marketing industry is filled with empty promises, but you CAN have the type of law practice most lawyers only dream about. In my early 30s I began working with my own coach, and the process took me from being in court every day and struggling to find financial success, to never stepping into a court room again and leading a team of over 60 legal professionals and a dozen contract employees, with offices in three different states. AND I was able to do it without having to sacrifice my role as a husband and father in my personal life.

First Why … Then What … Then How

In the US Legal Marketing Group approach to coaching and consulting, our clients first get very clear about WHY they are doing what they are doing. I have found that understanding WHY you are in the practice of law is far more important than what or how you run your practice. 

Once our clients discover their WHY they begin to envision the exact kind of practice they want, how much they want to work, how much money they would like to make, how much they would like to pay their team, and how they will eventually exit the practice. This is the VISIONING STAGE of the coaching practice, and it varies greatly from lawyer to lawyer and law firm to law firm.

David Crum

Over the last 25 years, I’ve discovered that a successful divorce and family law firm MUST focus on 8 essential categories as they apply to the firm. When a firm simply focuses on the most important items in these categories, it’s like rocket fuel in terms of performance, revenue, and new clients.

– David Crum, Esq.

Taught From Experience

Law school doesn’t prepare attorneys to run a business, but years of constant learning, trial, and error has created programming that addresses the challenges you face.

Why Not Get Started Today by Submitting a Coaching Application?

It’s important for you to know that US Legal Marketing Group is a value-add company that limits the number of clients we accept into our coaching program. While we wish we could accept everyone as a coaching client, we must make sure we can add value to your practice in terms of where it is now and what we can do to help.

What to Expect After Submitting Your Application?

After we have reviewed your application, you will receive an invitation from our business development team to schedule an initial phone call to review your coaching needs and how we might be able to help you. You can typically expect a follow up from us within 48 hours of submitting your application. In the meantime, hang in there and keep swinging for the fences. We know it’s not easy!

How Can We Help?