4 Reasons Why Your Law Firm Should Outsource Marketing

To some, outsourcing may be thought of as lazy, but what if I told you that when outsourcing is done properly you can see better results, in less time, and all for lower costs than trying to specialize in everything? At US Legal Marketing Group, we have a proven growth model that has been effective for divorce and family law attorneys in some of the biggest markets like New York City and San Diego.  We know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to scaling divorce and family law firms- saving you money and most importantly your time.

1. Time is Money

Our CEO, David Crum has grown and scaled his own law firms in multiple states across the country and now does the same for clients alike with our Launch and Earn model. Our experience running David’s divorce and family law firms has allowed us to see firsthand what works and what doesn’t when marketing a divorce and family law practice. This allows us to improve and refine our client’s legal marketing strategy in a meaningful and sustainable way without having to put them through the trial and error process. That process can be very time consuming and as you probably already know, time is money. As a highly skilled attorney your time is best spent with your clients and hiring the right agency can help you not only do just that, but they can also help you attract more clients, without you ever having to lift a finger.

2.  You Get an Entire Team of Marketing Experts

One of the best things about working with a marketing agency is that you get an entire team of marketing experts creating your law firm’s marketing strategy. However, you need to make sure to choose your law firm’s marketing agency carefully. We’re confident that we can help your law firm craft a marketing strategy that will allow you to sustainably grow and scale your law firm. Whether you choose us or another marketing agency, you should consider hiring a marketing agency that specializes in legal marketing. Marketing a law firm requires a unique strategy. Our team consists of specialists in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), web design, and social media marketing. This allows us to provide our clients a strategically crafted marketing plan for their law firm.

3. Hiring a Marketing Agency Can Be More Cost Effective Than Hiring a Marketing Coordinator

Growing your law firm and increasing quality leads does not happen overnight. Depending on the size of your firm, you may or may not have the budget to bring on an entire internal marketing team. Even if the budget exists, hiring an internal marketing team may not make the most sense for your firm.

Additionally, when you take into account the added expenses of hiring an individual or individuals, the cost of hiring an agency with an entire team of marketing experts can be quite similar. When you hire internally you’re not just paying someone’s salary, but their benefits and any bonuses as well, which we aren’t discouraging. What we are encouraging however, is that you look at both options for what they are. Do you want the jack of all trades, master of none? Or do you want a group of individuals that are masters in each area of marketing?

4. Your Law Firm’s Digital Presence Matters

In a day and age where copious amounts of information is available at the touch of a fingertip, differentiating your law firm from the competition is crucial to attracting new clients. Divorce and family law search engine optimization practices help make sure your content is seen by the right people at the right time. If you’re hoping to scale your divorce and family law practice, outsourcing your marketing to an agency specializing in family law firm marketing could be the best decision for your law firm’s digital presence.

Does Outsourcing Your Marketing Make Sense for Your Law Firm?

The truth is, that’s a question only you can answer. But, if your goal for 2023 is to grow your divorce and family law firm, hiring the right marketing agency is the first step in the right direction. Different marketing agencies are skilled in different industries- if you decide to outsource your firm’s marketing, make sure the agency knows your industry, and preferably hire a marketing agency that specializes in legal marketing. Marketing strategies vary and this is especially true when it comes to creating a successful marketing strategy for a law firm. It needs to be unique, a lot of which has to do with the high value potential of each client and conversion. 

Our goal at US Legal Marketing Group is to help divorce and family law firms sustainably grow their firms, without experiencing any of the growing pains. We know outsourcing and trusting an external team can be intimidating, but just like you encourage your divorce and family law clients to let you relieve them of some stress, we’d like to ask the same of you. Let our 38 years of legal marketing experience help grow your divorce and family law firm. Contact us today!

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