14 Divorce & Family Law Content Examples We Love

Content is a key part of any marketing strategy no matter what industry you are in. To market a product or service you need to have content, but not just any type of content. You need to have relevant content. As a Divorce & Family Law practice you wouldn’t want to market to just anybody that is looking for an attorney, but those specifically looking for your services. Before you know what content you want to produce make sure you understand your audience and what type of clientele you want to attain. Then start creating content that will resonate with people going through a divorce or family law issues. Cater your content to around your audience, services, and your unique brand positioning so your firm stands out from the rest. This is the first step to start generating more qualified leads. 



When it comes to services, especially niche services like Divorce & Family Law, quality is always better than quantity. Creating content might seem daunting or like a staircase that never ends, but it truly is a huge part of any marketing strategy and can affect social media, digital ads, blogs, and most importantly search engine optimization. Create content around your services and things currently happening in society that are relevant to your firm. Here are a few different types of Divorce & Family Law content that we love, and hope inspires you when creating content this year:


Blog Content: Divorce Support Groups – Finding the Right One

Why We Love: Blogs are a content marketing must! They are not only great for your readers, but they’re great for SEO. Understanding what prospective clients are searching for can help guide you in what blog content you should be creating. This ultimately allows you to increase your search ranking on topics organically. When creating blog content think about things like keywords, services, and relevant things happening in the world. Most importantly think about your audience and how you can provide them with useful information. Going through a divorce can be difficult and many people benefit from support groups during stressful times. Sharing local divorce support groups is relative and helpful for many divorce and family law clients. 


Divorce Support Groups Blog Post

FAQ Content: How long does a Divorce take in Nebraska?

Why We Love: FAQ Content is a great for many reasons. It helps your client get the answers their looking for and establishes trust between you and them. It is also great for family law firm SEO! Know what questions your clients are searching for answers to and start creating FAQ pages based on your findings. This will help you start ranking higher organically on search engine results pages or even display in Google’s featured snippet answer box and drive traffic to your website. You can create FAQ posts on social media too as an additional way to drive traffic to your dedicated FAQ pages on your website.

Instagram Reels: #TipTuesday

Why We Love: Video content is a great way to increase engagement. Over the past couple of years TikTok has blown up. To compete with TikTok, Instagram has released their version of short video posts known a reels. They are 60 seconds or less and Instagram is really pushing them. Posting reels can be a great way to stand out from the crowd and increase your reach organically since this is a feature Instagram is really promoting.

Paid Social Media Advertising: Divorce in a Day

Why We Love: Digital advertising is a great way to reach prospective clients. You’re able to meet clients where they’re at, which is typically online. Whether it is a paid social media advertisement or display advertisement on another site, make sure you are taking advantage of digital advertising. This ad is great, because it appeals to anyone going through a divorce, no matter their demographics. If you’re interested in getting a divorce, chances are you’re not trying to drag out the process or spend a fortune, aligning with the messaging.

Quote Content: Hello Divorce

Why We Love: Quote posts are great, particularly for Instagram. Hello Divorce (@hellodivorce) has a successful Instagram page that consists of mostly quote or tip posts that are largely graphic based. While they keep it simple, they also keep it consistent and easy to read. These days, motivational quotes are everywhere but who doesn’t love reading a quote or piece of content that resonates with themselves? Try adding some quote content in the mix that will appeal to your target audience.


Staff Highlights: Attorney Spotlight

Why We Love: Highlighting your staff is great, not just for your clients, but it makes whoever is being highlighted feel special as well. This post remains professional but shows attorneys as regular people too. Including their interest and hobbies helps to humanize them in the eyes of your followers and potential clients. Aside from highlighting attorneys, make sure to highlight other members of your staff like paralegals, receptionists, and operations.

Attorney Augustine Osuala

Books: Confessions of a Divorce Assassin: What you really need to know about your case, your kids, and your lawyer

Why We Love: There are many different types of content these days, from digital to traditional. While the digital space is taking over just about everyone’s life, traditional forms of content are still great. This book offers individual’s going through a divorce a better insight to the process through real life experiences. It resonates with the target audience, is an easy read, and offers useful insight. You can also offer digital versions of any print material you create very easily and effectively.

eBooks: Law Firms on Fire and The Undefeated Playbook to Google Ads

Why We Love: Subtle, inexpensive, and establishing credibility are just a few reasons why eBooks are a great form of content marketing. Each eBook varies in length allowing you to make it as complex or simple as you want it to be. Regardless, longer form content is always good to have in combination with shorter form content like blog articles. By showcasing your knowledge on the subject you are also establishing your credibility. Since eBooks aren’t printed this will save you money and make distribution easier for both you and your consumer. Being able to immediately gain access to eBooks adds to their appeal. Aside from their convenience and educational factors they are a great form of content marketing because this type of marketing is very subtle and great for lead generation. You are offering your consumer or potential client a valuable piece of content all while establishing credibility and generating qualified leads you can target in other relevant campaigns. Here are a few of our eBooks that we hope inspire you and help you when it comes to marketing your divorce & family law practice.

Podcasts: The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast

Why We Love: Podcasts are a content marketing cornucopia. Many people enjoy podcasts, because they can listen to them anywhere, traveling, working, at the gym, commuting, etc. You can repurpose your podcast into video content for social media. It also allows you to collaborate with experts in the same industry allowing you to engage with each other’s audiences, ultimately expanding your audience. The Divorce Survival Guide podcast by Kate Anthony does all the above. Maybe having a podcast for your firm isn’t something you’re looking to do, but you can always look into making a guest appearance on podcasts that focus on divorce, co-parenting, and/or mixed families. 


Shareable Content: Co-Parenting Peacefully

Why We Love: Divorce & Family Law content doesn’t just come from divorce & family law attorneys. Some of the best and most relatable content comes from people that have been in those shoes themselves. An Instagram account we love is @coparentingpeacefully a.k.a Katie, a parent and life coach. As a co-parent herself, Katie offers advice and tips to other parents that are co-parenting. Her content is great, because it’s relevant to her audience, consistent, informative, good quality, and she is credible on the subject matter. Embrace these elements when creating content for your own pages and share content like Katie’s with your audience. Creating your own content is important, but you can also share other’s content when it is relevant. 


Professional Photography and Videography

Why We Love: Professional videos and photos are an investment, but they are definitely an investment that is worthwhile. Afterall, a professional Divorce & Family Law firm needs professional photography/videography to showcase their firm. You can use these photos/videos throughout your website, on social media, when designing ads, print materials, and anywhere else you see fit. While phone’s cameras have come a long way, they still do not compare to professional photography but if budget is a problem, it’s better than the stock alternative. Stock photos should be used selectively and appropriately. Use a mix of both when you’re creating content.


Infographics: The Rise of Gray Divorce by McKinley Irving Family Law

Why We Love: First off, infographics are great, because they’re effective. The combination of information with appealing visual elements makes it easier for clients to consume. A page full of facts is great but using those facts to build an infographic will be much more engaging and digestible for potential clients. Here’s a great example from McKinley Irving Family Law:

gray divorce infographic

Holiday Content: Colorado Legal Group’s Halloween Decorating Contest

Why We Love: People love people. Showcase your amazing staff and any fun activities that happen in the office. Social media is meant to be fun, so make sure to have fun with the content you produce. You can take it a step further and use content to interact with your followers. In this social media post members of the Colorado Legal Group team decorated their offices and their followers were asked to vote for the spookiest office. Overall, a fun and natural piece of content for the team to enjoy and followers to engage with.

Philanthropic Content: New Mexico Legal Group Donates Coats to Local KOATs for Kids Drive

Why We Love: KOATs for Kids is put on by the local news station, KOAT7 Action News. Coats are collected outside at various Walmart locations throughout Albuquerque and Santa Fe. While this piece of video content doesn’t highlight any of New Mexico Legal Group’s services it allows the firm to connect with the community. Service-related posts are always great and so is highlighting companywide volunteer events and retention events are a nice way to showcase your staff and firm’s personality. 



Having great marketing comes from producing great content. To produce great content, make sure you understand who your target audience is, where there is room to contribute to SEO, and create high quality visuals and ad copy. When done right, content marketing establishes brand credibility and awareness, drives traffic, and drives sales. If you’re not sure where to start or how you can up your content marketing, we can help. We specialize in all types of divorce & family law marketing to service whatever needs your firm may have. Even better, we already know what works and what doesn’t, saving you time and money. Schedule a free no-obligations strategy session with us today!


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